15 rules to keep in mind!


Award winning designer David Hicks lists 15 tips for creating a successful digital magazine:


Daily, live stories, and extra-value editorial content will keep the user engaged and wanting more.


The user is your number one consideration: reading. Buying. Customer service. Product.


Don’t have a print mindset. The product is created and developed for the user and device.


Recognise users by their status as a subscriber or first-time reader.


Add key functionality your readers will love, e.g. cycling: route maps. Cooking: recipes, timer, ingredients. Fashion: shoppable.


Don’t settle for a PDF replica. Create a better experience for the user using html workflow and automation.


Don’t make interactive elements more important than the editorial.


Aim for less hidden content, less navigational icons. Create a cleaner user experience and one that is user-tested.


The library/ store navigation must work seamlessly: easy to use, purchase, faq, update, minimal clicks.


It must be technically sound, with small and fast downloads, updated to work with every new OS, made for a retina screen.


The perfect reading experience is the designer’s top priority, less whizz, more considered.


An all-access option for subscribers provides access to back issues and archived stories.


Additional video/audio content provides value and an additional revenue source for advertising.


Create responsive/bespoke-designed editions for all devices and platforms.


Value: create a digital environment where the user feels there is value and a reason to stay loyal.